This is explained in a simple way. This is the best red hive you could run and everyone should work towards this. Last updated: BEESMAS 2024

This guide is approved by leaderboard players and used by top boosters.

Comment below for any Questions/Suggestions related to this guide.

Table of Contents


Supreme Star Amulet:

  • Critical Chance
  • Instant conversion
  • Pollen
  • Bee Ability Rate/Bee gather pollen
  • Red Pollen

Stick Bug Amulet:

  • 2 Red Bee Attack
  • Red pollen > Pollen
  • 10% bee attack
  • 1 Bee Attack

Ant Amulet:

  • Bee Attack/Pollen
  • Critical Chance
  • Crit power
  • Red Pollen

Cog Amulet:

  • Red Pollen
  • Event Bee Ability Pollen >Bee gather pollen >> Flame pollen
  • Super Crit Power%
  • Red Instant Conversion
  • Bee attack

Moon Amulet:

  • 8% Honey Per Pollen
  • 10% Bond from Treats

Snail Amulet:

  • Goo Conversion
  • Goo
  • Pollen

King Beetle Amulet:

  • Bee attack > Red bee attack
  • Strawberry pollen
  • Mushroom pollen


You can use pollen on Ant amulet if you have good attack, avoid White pollen as it increases fill. BGP > BAR if you have a good Digital bee.

Hive Build

Note: This hive will NOT work out if you aren’t level 20 and fully gifted. You also might have to change out bees if you don’t have necessary beequips e.g. an extra carpenter bee if you don’t have a honeymark smiley.


This image displays an endgame hive build:

  • 11 Precise Bees
  • 9 Spicy Bees
  • 9 Vectors
  • 2 Carpenter Bees
  • 4 Tadpole bees
  • Digital + Festive + Bear + Tabby + Crimson + Photon
  • Rad Bee + Riley Bee + Commander Bee + Brave Bee + + Lion/Rage + Shy Bee + Hasty Bee + Basic Bee
  • Buoyant Bee

You should run a Rage/Lion if you do not have a Melody Charm bracelet. If you have aa Melody Charm you can drop it for carpenter.

Whether you run rage over lion depends on your attack, if your stick/cog/k-beetle amulets have decent attack stats your precise bees should be able to reach 50 attack without flame heat or stinger. If they do -> run lion else run rage


  • +5 Movespeed > Attack on Precise bees.
  • +5 Movespeed > BAR > Convert Amount % > Attack % on Spicy bees.
  • +4% BAR > +5 Movespeed > BAR/Movespeed on Vector bees.
  • +5 Movespeed > BAR >> Energy on Tadpole and Buoyant bees.
  • +5 Movepseed on all Non Mythic/Event bees.
  • Gather amount % on Digital bee.
  • +5 Movespeed > BAR on Photon, Crimson, Tabby and Festive bee. BUT BAR > +5 Movepseed on Festive bee if you have good mark coverage.
  • BAR on Bear bee.

Required beequips for this composition to work:

  • 2 Toy drums, on Riley and Brave, for BAP hive bonus, and Haste.
  • 2 Toy horns, on Crimson and Rage/Lion, for Melody, and BAP hive bonus, getting good BAR as a base stat is also helpful, if you have Melody Whistle or Charm Bracelet(charm on carp) you can kill Rage/Lion bee for an extra Spicy bee and run 1 horn.
  • 1 Kazoo, on Buoyant, for Melody, and CP and SCP hive bonus.
  • 1 Whistle, on Commander, for Haste, and SCP hive bonus, you can also get Melody (extremely rare and costly) on them.
  • 2 Smiley stickers, on Hasty and Tabby, you really need Honey mark ability on them, and high Mark duration as base stat.
  • 1 Pink shades, on Rad, for SCP and SCC hive bonus on them, you can also get Focus ability on them which is useful.
  • 1 Rose headband, on Basic bee with high Rose field pollen and Red field capacity hive bonus.
  • 1 Sweatband, in Digital, with high White gather amount % as base stat, also try getting red/white/blue pollen as hive bonus depending on your color.
  • 2 Paper angels, on Photon and Shy, for Token link, and BAP hive bonus.
  • 2 Poinsettias OR 2 Beesmas tops, 1 cp = 2 rp so, a 6 cp top = 12 rp poin. If the poinsettia has 12 rp and bgp then it is better then the top else the top is better.

If you have 12 Beequip slots, you should drop a Poinsettia and 2 Paper angels.

USEABLE BEEQUIPS(if you dont have the required ones):

  • Festive Wreath
  • Peppermint Antenna -> Bear Bee FOR ABILITY RATE
  • Paperclips -> FOR BAP / Token Link
  • Reindeer antlers-> baby love

Nectar priority:
Invigorating > Refreshing > Satisfying > Motivating > Comforting
The first Four are a must to have.

Before you donate to the wind shrine, make sure you have max precision, stack, and haste. Always refresh precision when below 25 sec (15 sec if you trust yourself) . If you run out of it, get it back to x10 ASAP. Have x10 red boost all the time by allowing some of the precision abilities to miss. If you don’t have scorching you can stack precise marks, you get red boost tokens for scorching + precise marks. The most important thing is, if you have scorching active, get it to 6K+ ASAP, collect all precise targets and stay in marks. SPAM PRECISE MARKS. Try to not move around too much too fast because your bees will stop spawning tokens. Do not turn flames into dark flames instantly so they last longer.

Want proof this hive works??… just look at how much this average player makes here

Rose > Pepper > Strawberry

Pepper is easier to boost but rose is more rewarding

  • Rose can have 15 duped tokens on the field whereas strawberry and pepper are limited to 12


    1. Brave Bee provides good buffs to your hive, including extra Bee Attack and thus improving Star Saw conversion and the Beequips it can have make it really nice to run (eg. Toy Drum or Toy Horn).
      You can run Vicious Bee for casual playing and doing RBC, but during boosting and for Red in general it’s pretty bad as it doesn’t give you anything beneficial.

        1. you could also just trade for a bear bee egg, 3 signs isnt that much if you can afford most of these beequips lol (bb egg is similar value to festive wreath)

      1. Question, is this guide for just honey making or also attack and other things like rbc? I wanna know because im tweaking it to get more attack bc im under the assumption this is just honey making.

    1. Having fuzzy bees in your hive while endgame will decrease your honeymaking substantially so a fuzzy alt or helper is NEEDED for red endgame. If you are not endgame yet or your alt isnt ready then you can add 1 fuzzy (only lvl x<19)

      1. Hey!

        Are Pink Shades okay for red hive or only white? I got them last beesmas and have been holding onto them as I only just went red.


    1. Windy bee really has no benefits for red hives and has no reason to be run. It isn’t fantastic for RBC nor does Red lack token collecting (Precise Bees targets) you can replace a cheap bee for windy for quests or if you can’t be convinced

  1. Gifted Baby Bees aren’t really needed due to Gifted Tadpoles giving Baby Love, so I would remove the Baby Bees and replace them with either a Gifted Tadpole or something else.

    1. The frogs and bubbles they spawn only cause lag. Having frogs is pointless and the only point is to have Constant Baby love. Also the main reason is that it’s incredibly easy to get BAR on Baby Bees whereas it is expensive to get it on Tadpole Bees.

      1. I just wanted to say thanks for creating this guide, it has to be the most reasonable solution to all situations of boosting/attack. I hope i learn well of what you posted.

    1. Bubble lights on vectors or precise bees. Smileys on Precise Bees. Remember these are only suggestions and you can run whatever you have.

  2. I am a level 17 full gifted red hive with 12 precise bees, 10 spicy bees, and 8 vector bees, however, I have to run a gifted fuzzy as I don’t have a fuzzy alt. Currently I am stuck in a conflict of whether or not I should run a hasty bee, as I currently use brave, rage, riley, 3 carp, 2 tad + 2 baby, shy, and a buoyant. I was thinking to remove riley since my buoyant already gives me a lot of extra capacity buffs, or potentially removing a baby/carp, or just not running a hasty bee in general. I would really appreciate getting your opinion on this acid.

    1. Honestly you could boost without a hasty bee if you run some haste beequips. Also I dont recommend staying red for too long if you aren’t working towards a fuzzy alt.

    1. Dont really recommend being red at such an early stage due to it takes a lot more skill than blue and is way more expensive in terms of stingers.Also at level 16 you may struggle with RBC, you could try going Robo hive but honestly I just recommend learning which upgrades are good and levelling up your bees ALSO GET SAW ASAP!

  3. im currently a blue hive but is it recommended to switch to red after a while or should i just stay blue?

    also could i replace a music bee with a cobalt bee with a toyhorn?

    1. You could switch to a red hive once further developed, check out the other red guide made. I recommend lvl 19+
      Personally i dont believe a cobalt bee is worth the slot. Music bee is kinda op

    1. Not worth running as the attack will not benefit precise gather and running a commander bee is more worth it for beequip compatibility

    1. update:
      I got bear bee and gifted him quickly which is help me run my hive pretty well. as an early red lvl 12 i got 700b in a boost, which is decent for the fact i messed up the glitter and had to gamble smooth dice to get back to 3x pepper field. quick question tho, do you think camphor lip balm is good. one of the bonuses is 1.04x pepper field pollen which i think is lowkey fire

  4. why not include lion bee w/5% gifted pollen over riley bee? What is the benefit of riley for boosting w/red and star saw?

    1. For the 20% Red field capacity (If you have alot of buffs on like double or triple bear morph while boosting your bag will explode and u wont be able to make tokens if u dont have enough capacity) and because it can run tdrum which red doesnt have many good options for (only riley and brave since you wont be using bucko or demo in red)

  5. Shy bee gives 5% bee ability pollen, while lion gives 5% gifted bee pollen. If “bee pollen” includes both gather and ability pollen, it seems like lion is now better than shy.However both are still useless to run sadly. Onett needs to buff bap

    1. Attack is not needed a lot right now as precise bee gather is maxed at 90 which is easily achieved and commander/brave have better beequip compatibility

    1. Next update you can trade for bear bee voucher so add a normal bee and stock up on signs to trade for a voucher

      1. Hello! I have a question, I’m midgame and I’m planning on going blue, as it’s the cheapest,yet pours in the most, and then I want to switch to red as I want attack, and collect good pollen, and so my question is, should I make a new account and make that account a fuzzy alt?

  6. I was wondering what bee equips on what bees do I run? Also, do i run rage cuz what do i put the 2 toy horns, Whistle, and Toy drum bee equips on?

    1. it says whistle for commander and toy drum for riley, i think the other two are mainly for the hive bonus so it’s up to you overall

  7. I chose to go early red, I got star saw (not a good amulet atm) and I’m about to get Dark Scythe in a few days. My hive is level 15-16 right now. I’m working on my alt account (its currently at porcelain gear) to turn it into a fuzzy alt later on.
    Do I remove my gummy and fuzzy at this stage?
    Fuzzy I will once my alt is ready.
    But I’m unsure about gummy as 5% honey is quite a big deal at this point.

  8. Hi acid, I haven’t played in beesmas so I don’t have digital bee and i’m f2p so I don’t have bear bee either, I have 10 spicy bees right now in my red hive, is it ok to replace those two for the two spicy bees? Also how much honey would it cost to get those mythics without it being gifted?

  9. I was wondering whether to get either 500 red drives first, then 500 white drives, or vice versa OR build them both up gradually ?

  10. I am currently a level 16 blue hive, the problem is that I don’t macro. I think going red would benefit me alot considering I am building up to a fuzzy alt and to dark scythe. Could anyone tell me if it is worth it or not?

  11. Hi!
    Can you send a ss of a really good RBC hive that you/top lb players use(basically just a proven good RBC hive)? I saw the RBC hive in the metabee guide, but it was called a “not full RBC hive”, and I’m looking for a proper full RBC hive. Im currently a LVL 21 blue macro hive, and am planning to switch to rbc hive to get 500:500:500 drives on Digi. Hive doesnt need to be cheap, would greatly appreciate it, thanks!

      1. Could u send it here please? I can’t use discord rn and for a while 😭. Just a link to a ss would be fine, also what stats on SSA? Would it be the same as the ones in this guide? Also I’m trying to get liek 100 glitched or smth as well as 500 of the other 3. Thanks!

        1. also cant use yt I’m on vaca rny where I can’t use either of those and I’ll be back in a few days so if u could J’s send a ss

  12. Or if you could just list the bees and how many out, thad be fine too. Also are their any differences between this red hive guide and RBC hive?(Specifically amulets, beequips, etc?) Thanks!

  13. Hey, quick question. I noticed there aren’t any music bees so no melody? How many toy horns should I have then? Cuz I am NOT getting a melody charm bracelet or anything 😭. If I have 3+ toy horns it takes too much space in my beequips case. Would appreciate any feedback/tips/guidance.

  14. Hey, I don’t have digital bee and I want to know a good replacement, I kept a gifted fuzzy because I had it and didn’t need a gifted gummy. Is there a bee i can replace it with? because gifted fuzzy is not in this hive.

  15. Why are tadpoles better than baby bees? They’re just worse baby love producers, and you already get enough flower regrowth with a helper account and boost tokens from precise bees.

    1. Hello, Tadpole bees make boost tokens which also make scorch activate faster since the new rework changes the socrch star needs any boost token not just red ones.

  16. Can anyone tell me if this is a good beginner red hive build (just bees), I have 1 gifted basic, brave, hasty, looker, rad, stubborn, commander, fire, rage, baby, demon, music, shy, fuzzy, precise, spicy, tadpole, vector, bear, digital, photon, puppy, tabby, and vicious, 3 gifted carps, 4 normal demons, 7 rileys, 3 normal vectors, and 1 normal tad, buoyant, festive, crimson. (I just made this monstrosity of a red hive 2.5 hours ago as of typing this).

      1. It’s my only option as I don’t have discord and can’t macro due to that, and sense most of blue’s honey comes from macroing nothing I can really do.

  17. Can you please tell me what is the main farming of red hive? from fire? or from something else – I would like specifics on what to pay attention to when create a hive and proper gameplay on red hive?

    1. precise bees make most of the pollen and digital bee. spicy bee buf precise by a LOT and marks from vectors too

    1. if you’re a budget hive use demon for higher flame chance when gathering, if you save enough honey replace demon with spicy.

  18. At what level hive should I start going for a good double passive? Im running a 5/5 solo scorch right now but I feel like it will be too expensive to go for a good double passive

  19. Is it ok to run a ninja instead of a hasty? I don’t need the Player Movespeed buff from hasty but i do need the 5th haste source (and 5% BMS would be nice).

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