Welcome to the Ultimate Endgame white hive guide. This is explained in a simple way!
This guide is intended for endgame players, basically the top 1% of players with level 20/21 maxed hive.
It’s updated due last Bee Swarm update, and the sticker update, and will be updated if the meta changes.
This guide is strongly approved by leaderboard players and top boosters.
For any questions/suggestions join the Meta Bee Discord Server or comment down below.
Table of Contents
Supreme Star Amulet:
- White Pollen
- Pollen
- Pollen From Bees
- Critical Chance
- Bee Ability Rate
- Passive: Gummy Star
- Passive: Star Saw
Supreme Ant Amulet:
- Convert Rate
- Critical Chance
- Critical Power
- Pollen
- White Pollen
Supreme Shell Amulet:
- Goo
- Goo Conversion
- HFT or WP
- Spider Field Pollen
Supreme Cog Amulet:
- White Pollen
- Mark Ability Pollen
- Honey From Tokens
Diamond Stick Bug Amulet:
- Capacity 300k
- Convert Rate 1.25x
- Bee Attack +1
- Red Bee Attack +2
- White Pollen 30%
- Honey From Tokens 100%
King Beetle Amulet:
- +1 Bee Attack
- Blue Flower Field (RBC)
- Mushroom (RBC)
Moon Amulet:
- White Pollen
- Pollen (Pollen > PFB)
Try to get max stats for each of these amulets.
Basic Boost Hive

If you find this helpful consider joining the Meta Bee Discord Server
This is a basic boost hive for white.
Note: This hive will NOT work out if you aren’t level 20 and fully gifted.
Have 2 Paper Angels with BAP? Drop a vector for bomber bee
Have 2 Toy Drums with BAP? Drop a vector for demo bee
Have a Honeymark smiley? Drop carpenter bee
Trying to get on daily rare pollen leaderboard? (Not recommended for getting honey)
- Run both demo and bomber bee and use Bangsnaps with BUZZ BOMB ability on the rare bees.
Vector Bees : Movespeed> BAR> Attack > Gather > REST
Precise Bees : Movespeed = BAR >Attack
Baby: Get BAR its very easy to get on Baby’s using Royal jelly (Legendary + Mutation then gift using strawberries)
Windy and Bear- Bee Ability Rate matched with Peppermint Antennas (or snow tiara on windy)
This will increase bee ability rate significantly and help spam triple bear morphs along with x10 white flower boost.
Honey Bee+Carpenter Bee and Hasty: BAR -> Honeymark(+) and Haste
Gummy Bee: BAR/Movespeed -> More frequent gummy morph
Digital Bee: Gather (25%+) -> op smileys
You can use whatever you have and depending on how many case slots you have but here are many good beequip examples with needed stats (said ones that are not guaranteed). (italic = best)
These beequips go on whoever they can, they are used mainly for their hive bonus.
-CANDY RING – D tier, run if you have nothing else or if its REALLY high stat
Paperclip: A
Bee Ability Pollen / Ability Token Lifespan
Toy Horn: S
Bee Ability Pollen
Toy Drums: S
Bee Ability Pollen
Paper angel: A+
Bee Ability Pollen / Ability Token Lifespan
Pink Shades: SSS
Super Crit Power / Super Crit Chance (If you have 5scp 1scc dm a_cid)
Whistle: S
Super Crit Power / Melody
Beesmas Top: A
Critical Power
Sweatband: A
White Gather Amount / White Pollen
Smiley Sticker: SSS+
Mark Duration / Global Mark Duration / Honeymark
Charm Bracelet: SSS+
Kazoo: A
Critical Power / SCP
Peppermint Antennas: B+ (depending on how high stat is)
Ability Rate
Reindeer antlers -> baby love ability
Autumn sunhat -> WP and BAR
You want to have MAX (order of priority): Satisfying, Motivating, Refreshing, Invigorating.
You can get this by macroing OR if you are trying to get loot and smoke planters you could:
- Store satisfying nectar
- Cycle planters to get MOT REF INVIG and some SAT
This way you get all the nectars you need and you get to do puff runs and get good loot
Make sure to have lots of gumdrops and stingers because white is very dependent on both!
How to learn how to boost? Watch Mikey boost and try to imitate in your boosts.
Boost in spider always and make sure to use this: (fuzzy alt is moving across the field and gum droppers stand still)

- Focus on maintaining x10 Precision throughout the boost as well as getting Precise Marks to spawn while you get max precision (Try to have Precise Marks spawn in clumps to make it easier to get x10 Gummyball Combo).
- Release the Gummy Ball in front of areas with many Precise Marks and make sure the it is 90 degrees
- Helpers using Cloud Vials when necessary and dropping Jelly Beans when you get Gummy Star.
- Use Saw throughout the boost to help with Conversion, Token Collection, and Pollen Collection.
- Extend Vector Bee Triangles throughout as many Pollen/Precise/Honey Marks as possible and try to get them to pass Precise Marks as much as possible during Gummy Star.
- If the server starts to lag curse Onett
- After the boost listen to feedback from people watching you boost or watch it back and see areas where you can improve.
COCO BELT MECHANICS COMING SOON -> fuzzy alt catches combos in field : another player builds combo and catches cocos in another field UNCLAIMED
If you are in Europe best boosting times are Midnight until 1PM on Amsterdam/ Iceland servers
RBC Hive
When doing RBC with this hive you will need both a dark scythe and a gummy baller to change tools depending on the quest to get faster times.
If you are running a gummy saw lots of spicies (4+) and a festive bee will help.
If you are not committed to rbc and want to boost and do rbc simultaneously you can pull a mikey and run 1 spicy bee and keep the rest of the hive the same.
You should be able to do any quest with this hive if you have a scorch saw. However, if you have a gummy saw you will struggle with Cactus and Clover pollen so 3x fields in r25 will be very difficult.
If you are commited to RBC and want to do it as efficiently as possible: You should run scorch saw with high pfb and wp
Bear bee , Digital bee, Tabby bee , Windy Bee, Photon bee
9 Precise Bees, 17 Vector Bees , 5 Spicy Bees, 4 Tadpole Bees, 1 Buoyant Bee
1 Music Bee,1 Carpenter Bee, 1 Riley Bee, 1 Rage Bee, 1 Commander Bee, 1 Stubborn Bee, 1 Hasty bee, 1 Brave Bee, 1 Basic Bee
For RBC you need MAX satisfying and should definitely have some Refreshing and Motivating. Invigorating also helps but is least in importance
Glitched Drive Grinding
The best method to grind glitched drive is to firstly max out the other coloured drives to help you beat the quests.
You can do firstly 1 r25 run at start of the day to get the double glitched drop.
After this you can grind glitched drives by drive running: Go up to r18-20 without buying any upgrades (other than cog upgrades) or using any expensive mats. R18 you will earn 400 cogs on average and a drive is 850 cogs so each glitched drive will take you 2 runs considering drive drops at end of rounds (this is why you should buy 1 of each drives each time instead of maxing one drive incase you get it as a drop)
If you have any other questions comment below!
great post, very informative. I ponder why the opposite experts of
this sector don’t notice this. acid so pro
is puppy bee not worth running even after the buffs?
It can be run if you have a really good autumn sunhat with very high bar
What do I replace Bear Bee With?
What do all the letters mean after the beequips?
SSS S A B C are ratings of importance
Wouldn’t it be better to replace the bomber for shy bee for the 2nd paper angel?
nope 🙂
Why so? Wouldn’t Shy be better since it gives bap while bomber gives bomb polllen which isnt that useful for white?
why not tadpole instead of baby bee?
Easier to get high bar mutation on it and doesn’t spawn frogs
aren’t frogs good?
for white they just cover field of view and cause lag.
Nice this will help me a lot but it’s not better to put a vector or precise in the place of carp
Honey marks are needed for white hive, and vector only gives pollen marks
I assume its not worth adding Reindeer Antlers (beequip) for the capacity, but it might be worth adding festive wreath? Please let me know your thoughts.
Yeah festive bee gives great buffs, why isnt it on this?
The buffs just aren’t needed here – CRAH is useless, festive wreath can be on alts, same with festive gift.
This will be quite useful later on!
why dont you use tadpoles instead of baby bees?
There’s just no reason to use tadpoles, you have helpers to regenerate the field, you don’t need the blue boost and it just causes more lag. Baby bees also drop blove tokens more often.