The Ultimate General Macro Guide

Welcome to the ultimate macro guide! This guide explains every aspect of using macros to their fullest efficiency! Explained in a simple way!

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Syspalkius Boosting Assistance Macro

LAST UPDATED VERSION: v1.4 (2bba947)

  • Download the macro from Syspalkius’s Github.
  • Extract the .zip file.
  • Open the “Syspalk’s Boosting Macro” folder.
    Start the “Launch_Main.bat”

    Command Prompt will open and need to stay running or else the macro won’t work properly. This will be the standard gui:

    The hotbar auto-press block is self explanatory, Make sure the items have the right intervals (in ms) and the item is in the right slot.
    The command keys are used to control the alt account.
    F1 to start, F2 to Stop, F3 to pause
    Start the “Launch_Alt.bat”

    A gui like this should appear:

    The Pattern and Size is how to macro will move depending on the settings.
    Align to planter should be turned off.
    The Materials block is what keys will be pressed on the hotbar of the alt, standard things to use are gumdrops, jellybeans, cloud vials and micro converters to maximise honey making, the offset is how much time the macro will wait after the command is given by the main to execute the action.
    How to function main to alt:
    As previously seen the the commands section in the main has the keys to send actions.

    The command hotkey is uniquely responsible for the usage of materials. This only uses the materials in the “Command mats” block of the alt side. It is recommended to use materials through this mode if your alts are not rich on them.

    The start/stop alts hotkey starts/stops all the actions on the main gui of alt macro. This includes movement with pattern and the materials block etc. 

Epic’s Vichop Macro

LAST UPDATED VERSION: v1.1.4 (e736d78)

  • Download the macro from Epic’s Github.
  • Extract the .zip file.
  • Open the folder and click on “Start.ahk”.
  • It should look something like this (the beesmas specials will be disabled off beesmas):
  • In the first three rows of “Discord webhook, Discord User ID and Movespeed” insert the respective information.
  • Click “Save”.
  • Simply minimize or close all applications except the macro but minimize it.
  • Click “F1” to start.

Make sure all the information is correct and if your on a laptop device the “Energy saver” feature should NOT be used since it will slow down roblox and the macro will break.

Ninju’s Auto-Jelly Macro

LAST UPDATED VERSION: v1.0.1 (3f31e4b)

  • Download the macro from Ninju’s Github as a ZIP file.
  • Extract the ZIP file.
  • Click on “auto-jelly.ahk’.
  • This should appear as an application:
  • Select the bees you want to roll for. (This will roll over all the bees which are not selected)
  • The bottom buttons of “Stop on mythics” and “Stop on gifteds” will do their respective tasks as stated.
  • The “Mutations” button will allow you to enable mutations, the macro will stop at the mutation and the bees selected. (Example: If you have rascal bee and Energy mutation selected the macro will check after each roll and stop at a rascal bee with energy mutation)

IMPORTANT: Under laggy conditions the macro might roll over the required mutations. The macro can only be used in fullscreen.

Discord Webhooks & IDs


A discord webhook is like bot which can be used to track and see logs of your macros. Here is how to set it up:

  • Make a new discord server.
  • Make a new channel.
  • After creating the channel click on the cog in the far right of the channel bar.
  • Go to the “Integrations” section.
  • Once there click on “Webhooks”.
  • Once there, there will be a default webhook already created, simply click on it and press “Copy Webhook URL”

You can use this URL in the macros listed above to get live log reports, if your using more then 1 account or different macros from time to time you should make multiple channels for each macros webhook.


To obtain user ID:

  • Enable “Developer mode” in settings in “Advanced” under “App settings”.
  • Click on your profile.
  • Click “…” aka “more”.
  • Click “Copy User ID”.

Now you the User ID copied to your clipbaord.


To download a macro from Github do the following:

  • Go to the macro page on Github of the developer.
  • There should be a section like this:
  • Click on the green button in the top right with “<> Code” written on it.
  • It should open a tray like this:
  • Click on “Download ZIP”.

There you go you have successfully download a ZIP file of the macro!


For all these macros to work you should have AutoHotKey installed on your device. You can download it here.

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