This guide explains performing a glitch blue hives use to gain capacity by robo bear challenge to decrease the deflation rate of your balloon so that a higher blessing can be achieved.
This works because Onett designed balloons to scale off the highest capacity in the last 15 minutes meaning the boost can at most last 15 minutes due to deflation scaling back to normal after that, which results in around 10-20x blessings higher than you would usually achieve.
For any questions/suggestions join the Meta Bee Discord Server or comment down below.
Bee Options
View the TierMaker list of bee rankings to check when choosing bees inside the Robo Bear Challenge:

- S. all 5 are explainable but take digi first always and the rest you take in order of what you require more.
- A. cobalt is for the bomb synch (I don’t think it is worth using but some ppl do) but all others are self-explanatory.
- B. Take more tadpole bees early on so you can start baby love upkeep.
- C. Bouyants are lower ranked as they are extremely common meaning at times you’ll get 3 bouyants in choice often.
- D. gummy is horrible as it’s only used for honey per pollen which isn’t needed.
RBC Upgrades
- Take S always,
- Take A in most cases,
- Take B if you get a lot of cogs,
- Take D in special situations where they are needed and you have a lot of cogs Never take F-tier
- Also, I personally prefer to reroll nearly every round to be able to get more chances of getting s-tier upgrades.
- Remember upgrades you already have and how they synch for example take:
- Commit always if you have Nullify + hdd or take dodge upgrades if you have stack overflow
- Don’t take Overfit Blue or Trojan as that makes you slower.
Upgrades List
- S. The cloud, Corrupt, HDD, Defragment (only at the end of the run), Credit, Expansion, Nullify, Outsource, SSD blue, Bluetooth
- A. Stack overflow (pre-round 10), Reboot, Synchronize, Overfit white/blue, inject, Fov, Fission, Base-15, sharpen, Botnet (if you have white drives), Commit, Dynamo, Pseudo-rng, Respec red
- B. Optimize, Trojan, refactor, Pop-up, F5, iterate, homepage, equalize, RAM, Router, saturate
- D. Fluid simulation, Bruteforce, White noise, invert, Client-side, Bandwidth, blue screen, Crypto, GPU, Vpn, Subscribe, proxy
- F. Wifi, overclock, Codec, Virt pet, Torrent, RGB, Respec blue and white, normalize, Nft, malware, Furnace, Demarcate, Beebay, overfit red, APM, SSD white/red, Virus
Quests are mostly very self-explainable but can be your downfall:
Pre R15 Rounds
GOO > Blue Pollen/Honey > Convert > Blue fields > White pollen > multiple fields > other colors
After R15 Rounds
GOO > Blue Pollen/Honey > Convert > Blue fields > White pollen > multiple fields > other colors
- Take more caution with taking harder quests involving Red or Bad white fields.
- After r20 with no rerolls you take any quest if you aren’t able to finish either and just start the RBC.
Hive Composition

- Bomber Bee
- Brave Bee
- Stubborn Bee
- Looker Bee
- Bumble Bee
- Bucko Bee
- Frosty Bee
- Rage Bee
- Commander Bee
- 4 Music Bees
- Ninja Bee
- Fuzzy Bee
- 8 Tadpole Bees
- 20 Buoyant Bees
- Tabby Bee
- Gummy Bee
- Bear Bee
- Digital Bee
- Windy Bee
- Vicious Bee
If you find this helpful consider joining the Meta Bee Discord Server
- Optionally you can add Cobalt, Brave or puppy with reindeer antlers.
- As for other parts of the hive like Gifteds and Levels, I would recommend at least Level 18 but preferably 20 or higher.
- As for gifteds, I would highly recommend full gifted as this isn’t a very beginner-friendly boosting method.
- Also for anyone who asks, yes digital is required (Drives on digi aren’t required but make runs much easier)
- If you’re interested in getting drives I would prioritize blue drives and white drives at an 80/20 split.
- As for mutations, it’s quite simple just have convert on bouyants and high convert bees, Gather on digital and bar on everything else.
This is a very subjective part as worse players will need to use more materials while better players can save.
I only use oil, Blue ex and sticker stack throughout the run but will use tropical drinks + glue on harder white rounds past r15 and purple potions + loaded past r20 if hard quests. You can use whatever you need to use just be careful to not waste too much.
The really important part is the actual boost after the RBC which is performed this way:
- First get your Guiding (optional), winds, mondo blessing and Sticker stack then start the round and go to the pine field.
- You then use Super Smoothie, Blue Drive and Glitch Drive. You end the round and just boost like normal for 14-15 minutes constantly (14 minutes if you care about getting the honey as the balloon will deflate to around half instantly).
- If you achieved a good Capacity of around 50b+ for a quick boost, 100b+ for an average boost and 250b+ for a big boost then the RBC blessing should function and remove nearly all deflation (will still happen if the capacity was around 50b range).
- The result should be a higher blessing than you had at the start and you can now macro for more honey. (I don’t recommend using any balloons other than White balloons as they are too valuable).
- Just as info I usually can get around +20 blessing if I start at 50-60 blessing (like when you disconnect and lose blessing and have to regain it)
This is an extremely important part of what leads to the success or the failure of a boost.
I will list required beequips as well as more optional choices (Note: do not use elf caps as they are shit in RBC blessing)
- 1 Toy drum (pref with bap)
- 1 Paper angel (pref with bap and lifespan)
- 2 Pinecones above 15% capacity 3 icicles with 5% Bomb (anything above 5% doesn’t do anything due to bug)
- 1 Sweatband on digi with white pollen gather above 20% and 1% Blue + white pollen hive bonus
- Good lump of coals (with bomb or pollen stats)
- Beret with capacity %
- Kazoo with crit power
- Whistle