Hive Builder Bot is a tool that allows users to easily create and customize virtual hives in the game Bee Swarm Simulator within the Discord platform. The bot allows users to add bees, mutations, and beequips to their hives and also provides guides and resources to help players improve their gameplay.
Hive Builder Bot was developed by alaninnovates#0123 and is specifically designed for use in Discord.
Table of Contents
Hive Builder Discord Bot
We created a Discord Bot for building hives the same way we did for Windows and mobile. On Discord it is accessible for all platforms and we don’t need to create Mac or Apple versions. It is by far the most used app from our team and works the best without any bugs.
< > = Required
[ ] = Optional
/hive create
This is the first command you run before starting to build your hive. This initializes your profile, so you can start adding bees. Additionally, if you want to reset your whole hive, run this command to start with a clean slate.
/hive add <name> <slots> <level> [gifted]
Add bee(s) to your hive.
- name: The name of the bee to add. You can select from the list or start typing to filter out names.
- slots: Refer to How to – Slots
- level: Type in a number from 0-25, which is the level of your bee. Level 0 means that no level will be displayed.
- gifted: Whether or not the bee should be gifted
/hive remove <slots>
Remove bee(s) from your hive.
- slots: Refer to “How to Slots” at the end of documentation.
/hive setmutation <slots> <name>
/hive setbeequip <slots> <name>
Set the beequip or mutation of a bee within the slots you specified.
/hive giftall
/hive setlevel <level>
Set the level or gift ALL of the bees in your hive. Note: This is irreversible.
/hive view [show_hive_numbers] [slots_on_top]
View your hive.
- show_hive_numbers: Show the numbers on each hive slot. These numbers are to help you figure out what slot you want to add a bee to, but you might not want them when showing the hive to others. Set this to False to disable the numbers.
- slots_on_top: When show_hive_numbers is enabled, this parameter allows you to draw hive numbers above the faces of any bee in your hive. This allows you to easily replace a bee, even if your hive is full!
/hive save <name>
Save your hive, so you can always load it up again. If you want to overwrite a previous save, just use the same name as the old save.
Be sure to ALWAYS SAVE YOUR HIVE! This way, you won’t lose any data.
- name: The name of your save
/hive info
Get a summary of your hive and its contents.
/hive saves list
List all of your hives.
/hive saves load <id>
Load a previously saved hive.
Note: THIS WILL OVERWRITE YOUR CURRENT HIVE! If you have data in your current working hive that you want to save, be sure to save it first!
- id: The ID of the saved hive. You can obtain this from the /hive saves list command.
/hive saves delete <id>
Delete a previously saved hive.
- id: The ID of the saved hive. You can obtain this from the /hive saves list command.
/game <game>
All the subcommands within this command are games that you can play for fun.
How to Slots – Hive Builder Bot
When running the commands above, you may have run into a text argument called “slots”. This argument tells the bot which hive slots you would like to modify. It is a very flexible argument and can be very powerful if you know how to use it.
Specifying a single hive slot:
To select any hive slot, type in any number between 1-50. These numbers represent which slot you want to place the bee in.
Specifying multiple non-consecutive hive slots:
To select any amount of hive slots, type in the slot numbers, with each slot having a comma after it. For example, if I wanted to select slots 18, 23, 28, and 33, I would type 18,23,28,33 for the slots argument. Make sure there are no spaces!
Specifying a range of consecutive hive slots:
To select a range of hive slots, type in the starting slot number and end slot number with a dash between them. For example, if I wanted to select all the slots in my hive, I would type 1-50 for the slots argument. Once again, make sure there are no spaces!
You can combine these arguments to create a statement for many slots at once. For example, I could type in 1-20,23,34,40-45,51 and I would be able to select all of those hive slots!
Example of Slots and their numbers (this can also be seen with a bot by using both /hive view statements as true.):

If you still prefer the desktop or mobile app version, you can find download links down here.
Both of these will be updated not so frequently, but we are aiming for before Beesmas 2024.
Hive Builder Desktop Version:×86%29.exe/file
Hive Builder Mobile Version:
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