With the Sticker update adding over 250 stickers, it might be overwhelming to find out which stickers you want to focus on obtaining and how to obtain them, this article will hopefully make that process a little easier and less tedious. Please tell us in the Meta Bee Discord Server if there are any problems or questions, thanks!
NOTE: Stickers you add onto your hive are purely cosmetic, you have to add them onto your sticker stack to actually get any boost from them.
Universal/Mixed Pollen

White Pollen

Red Pollen

Blue Pollen

Pollen From Tools/Movement Collection

Tool Swing Speed

Bee Pollen
Bee Gather Pollen

Bee Rarity Pollen

Bee Movespeed

Bee Abilities
Bee Ability Rate

Universal Bee Ability Pollen

Duped Ability Pollen






Ability Lifespan

Universal/Mixed Capacity

White Capacity

Red Capacity

Blue Capacity

Convert Rate
Universal Convert Amount

Universal Convert Rate

Bee Colour Convert Rate

Mutated Bee Convert Rate

Convert Rate At Hive

Instant Conversion
Unique Instant Conversion

Instant Bee Gather Conversion

Instant Bee Conversion

Instant Bee Ability Conversion

Instant Tool Conversion

General Attack


Critical Hits
Critical Power

Super-Crit Power

Honey From Tokens

Honey Per Pollen

Honey Per Goo

Honey At Hive