As you may already know, beequips affect which mutation is best for the bee. Sometimes this can be seen as a waste for a BAR or a Convert amount. However, this can easily be resolved via the use of wax and waxing beequips. Waxes are used by players to modify the stats and abilities of beequips.

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Each wax can affect a beequip differently, and the player can only use up to 5 waxes on a beequip. If the player would like to use more waxes on a beequip, they must use a Turpentine item on the beequip to reset the waxes, which also changes the stats back to the original ones the beequip had. There are many techniques to buff beequips and remove their negative stat and improve their other stats greatly.

The wax upgrade power are these:
Soft wax -> 1 upgrade power
Hard wax -> 2 upgrade power
Caustic wax -> 4 upgrade power
Swirl wax -> 0 upgrade power, BUT it alternates each and every stat of a beequip AND the new altered stats are upgraded depending on the previous successful waxes (so basically if you have you used 4 hard waxes and all of them work then you use a swirl wax, it will first alter the stats THEN it will apply the upgrade power of the previous 4 successful hard waxes on it again)

  • The use of Caustic waxes!

We can begin with using 1 caustic wax on a beequip that you wouldn’t mind losing, as there is a high chance it gets destroyed! If it is successful, you can either use swirled waxes to find the stat you want then hard wax spam, or use hard waxes to finish it off. If you cannot use hard waxes then use soft waxes.

  • The use of Hard waxes!

Use 5 hard wax, this isn’t risky as the beequip cannot be destroyed however it is not guaranteed to improve the beequip, and it can be expensive.

  • The use of Soft waxes!

Use 5 soft wax, no risk and it’s extremely cheap and guaranteed to improve it.

Wax combos for Beequips

1 Caustic, 2 Hard, 2 Soft (Secures very good bonuses)

image 3

5 Hard Waxes (Does the job but if you are lucky, 3 hard waxes = 6 soft waxes)

image 2

3 Hard, 2 soft (while not being a full gamble this combo works great, and is better than previous one, do it only if you get 3 hard waxes done, for lower levels)

image 4

5 Soft Wax (while being the most secure way to wax your beequip, it doesn’t help a lot but is good for rare beequips) (do it if you are lower level)

image 5


  • Don’t use more than 1 caustic on your beequip.
  • NEVER use Turpentine on your beequips unless you have POP


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