Some Information about Meta Bee

Meta Bee, originally founded by Osman & Qwerty, is a company striving to help Bee Swarm Simulator players progress & advance and become high – level players. We’ve released PC & Mobile versions of our app, “Hive Builder“, and continue to help players within our support servers & social media pages. We have a large following, building connections with numerous top leader-board players and well – known YouTubers in the community as well as across our website. The application was launched just after 2021 Beesmas when most players were gaining honey way too quickly and were not sure how to progress and maybe even switch their hive. As a result, our solution was to present this project as guidance to new & old players… and it turned out to be very successful. Within a few months, we launched up to 10k members using our Hive Builder and connecting with users as to what to do inside Bee Swarm. Since then we have been rolling out constant updates & guides for our BSS community members, offering help from our authors who verify their guides with pro players! In the meantime, Meta Bee even launched our new Discord Bot, developed by alaninnovates#0123. The Hive Builder Bot is a tool that allows users to easily create and customize virtual hives in the game Bee Swarm Simulator within the Discord platform. The bot allows users to add bees, mutations, and beequips to their hives, and also provides guides and resources to help players improve their gameplay.

After releasing our various platforms, Meta Bee is focusing on pushing out more community support, by building progression & hive guides for the community to follow and become better. We receive numerous support requests each day with players begging us to help them with various issues, hence why we developed our famous website to push out advice for those who are looking for it.


Osmanzz- Founder and Creator of

MetaBee & HiveBuilder


Qwerty – Server & Social Media Manager

Tech Admin

Alaninnovates – Developer of Hive Builder Bot & Server Bot

Content Admin

Acid – Author of Hive Guides and Meta Builder

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